The Chemical Weapons Convention, originally passed on January 13th, 1993, had a huge step forward with Libya's continued cooperation in destroying their chemical weapons stockpile. While recent tensions between the United States and North Korea has highlighted the issues with nuclear weapons, Libya's milestone should not be overlooked.
This step was accomplished in part by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) resolution from July 2016 that requested assistance in helping Libya eliminate their remaining 500 metric tons of chemical agents. The European Union responded by providing aid to the nation of Libya per financial or technical means.
Questions to Consider:
- Does your country have a chemical weapons stockpile? If so what category level and if your nation doing anything adhere to the CWC?
- Is your nation a signatory to the CWC?
- What additional steps should be taken to reduce nations stockpiles of chemical weapons or nuclear weapons?
The Delegation of Germany supports the decision to start the process of eliminating such mass-destruction weapons worldwide. Germany has taken further measures by liquidating all chemical weapons and toxic materials that have been sent from Libya. The destruction of these weapons prevents them from falling into the hands of extremist groups or rogue states in under-developed countries surrounding Libya.
ReplyDeleteGermany does not possess a chemical weapons stockpile. Rather, we have taken actions against such proliferation by signing the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Geneva Protocol, the Biological Weapons Convention, and the Chemical Weapons Convention. Such conventions aim to eliminate weapons of mass-destruction by prohibiting the stockpiling, development, acquisition, production, retention, transfer, or use of chemical weapons by State Parties.
The People's Republic of China no longer withholds their chemical arsenals. China has dismantled their chemical weapon program since adhering to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). However, in compliance with the CWC, China does possess a defensive chemical warfare program in order to be fully prepared for any possible future chemical attacks. The country of China is a signatory for the CWC and signed in on January 13, 1993. Since then, the country has made immense amount of efforts in eliminating the stockpiles of these classified weapons within their borders. Due to the aftermath of World War II when Japan executed numerous attacks on Chinese soil, the country continues to have an abundance of abandoned weapons within their borders. Therefore, China proposes transparency between nations in order to properly update and conclude each nation's AG chemical control lists for the CWC. With proper protocols and universal compliance between countries, the People's Republic of China is fully confident that nations' stockpiles of weaponry will be minimized.